Anna Tregloan
Anna Tregloan
Anna Tregloan’s Impossible Project surveys artists whose works have been deemed impossible, creating an archive of impossible works and an exploration into the possibilities of impossibility.
Duration 2 hours
Artists & Project Titles
Marcus Whale
Possession is an electronic opera for one performer that depicts desire as a form of spirit possession. Drawing from classicist Anne Carson’s idea of Eros as the love for a “hole in oneself”, Possession depicts desire as a magical summoning, a longing for communion with the invisible and unknowable other.
Bianca Willoughby, Andrea Barett and Amy Claire Mills (Creative Hybrids Lab)
The Remediation Room
Informed by queer crip theory, cross-modal aesthetics, somatic therapy, and consensual healing practices,
The Remediation Room is an interactive, multi-activated installation that seeks to create a safe space for transplant and chronically ill patients and the public.
Jee Chan
THERETHERE takes its title from Gertrude Stein’s remark, “Whenever you get there, there is no there there” (Everybody’s Autobiography, 1933). In this performance for the camera, a dancer is seen starting over and over again from frame left. Where does the screen pick up where the live cannot go?
Sarah Aiken
Make Your Life Count
Seeking to shift scale, to zoom in and find oneself oversized, infinitely powerful, destructive and monstrous - and in the same breath lose sight of one’s tiny insignificant self in amongst the crushing scale of the universe, this project looks for ways of softening our focus on the individual- blurring the edges in the patterns of community, ecology and history.
Kerith Manderson-Galvin
The Closer I Get To You
The Closer I Get To You is a performance of private feelings and a memorial to queer identity. It is about performed and subconscious identity, self-annihilation, and an alternative to coming out.
Rhiannon Newton
Long Sentences
Long Sentences is a practice for paying attention to how things are affecting one another. It names, embodies and engages in conversation about interactions unfolding at the scale of the body, and pushes these toward uneasy scales, to imagine how interactions take effect in timeframes and physical worlds far beyond the body.
Live Dreams is a new series of curated events for our 2020 Liveworks Festival of Experimental Art, in which artists present their works- and-ideas-in-progress to test them with live audiences, receive feedback and discuss their next steps.
This year, the creative development of experimental work in familiar physical spaces - rehearsal rooms, studios, theatres, and via travel and residencies—has necessarily ceased. Performance Space is striving to support artists to continue creatively developing their work and honing their practice, often in inventive and resourceful new ways.
COVID-19; Keeping Everybody Safe
We are implementing comprehensive COVID-19 safety measures in line with current government directives, in order to create a safe and enjoyable festival experience for everyone. Please make sure you read our COVID-19 Safety steps before you join us at Carriageworks.
Respect Your Reservation
With minimum capacities in venues this year, we ask that you Respect Your Reservation and the amazing artists and creatives performing, regardless of cost. If you’re feeling unwell or can no longer join us, please let us know by 10am the day of the show so we can offer your seat to someone else. Please see our returns and exchanges policy for more details.