Support PSpace

Support the future of experimental art!

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At Performance Space we forge the future of experimental art.

We have been nurturing the cutting edge of contemporary practice for over 40 years, providing space for artists to fearlessly test ideas, push boundaries and create ambitious new work. We develop this work at every stage of its life and present it to tens of thousands of audience members each year.

"My reflections about art and work continue to evolve over this global health crisis, but I think I have already found new departures and strategies for my creative life."

Daniel Kok, Performance Space artist

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As a non-profit organisation, we depend on our supporters to invest in the development of brave new ideas, brilliant artists and captivating experiences.

Your support of Performance Space is invaluable in growing our work, nurturing our artists and increasing our impact on experimental practice. 

Donors are an integral part of our history and we need your support to strengthen our future.

Support Performance Space to expand art.


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The Future40 of PSpace


In 2023, Performance Space celebrates its 40th anniversary. We have led the dialogue nationally and influenced the shape of contemporary practice in Australia while remaining committed to our original mission of championing new modes and models of creative practices.

With celebration comes the time of reflection over our legacy and envisioning the next 40 years to strengthen the experimental arts sector.

Take a leading role in shaping the Future of Performance Space. Be part of the Future40 and experience a variety of exclusive events and performances presented by Performance Space, including a VIP access to Liveworks Festival of Experimental Art.

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PSpace Queer Art Lovers

QUEER ART TRANSFORMS OUR CULTURE. Queer art reimagines who we are, and show us who we could be. Queer art critiques the normative power structures that constrain us and frees us to imagine alternatives. Supporting Queer art is fundamental to a healthy arts culture and a continued diversity of voices, practice and vision. 

Strengthen the future of Queer art and help us take it to new horizons. Become a PSpace Queer Art Lover and find your community, champion diverse art, experience the art up close and behind the curtain, and get VIP access to your favourite PSpace Queer Art. 


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Performance Space's partners are integral to our success and growth. We work with local and international organisations to develop, present and promote interdisciplinary experimental art. Partners support us through project-based, annual and multi-year partnerships, accessing unique benefits and tailored opportunities.

Enquire about partnering with Performance Space by emailing

contact us

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Level 2, 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh

General Enquiries:

Liveworks Ticketing Enquiries:
+61 2 8571 9100



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