As an organisation that centres artists and experimental practice, we’re deeply interested in the ways our artists both interpret and respond to this shift in the “normal”. We know that art is an important lens through which we see the world and the changes in its tide, reflected and understood.
With this in mind, we commissioned 5 artists to create a self-portrait that speaks to the shifts that are occurring in their practice within the boundaries of physical isolation and their creative energy.
Like the broader community, artists have responded to this crisis in a variety of ways. While some have found the shift in pace and broader societal conversation an energising one, others have found the changes weighty, and the impacts on their practice and creative output perplexing and difficult.
This week, artist Kieran Bryant has responded to our self-portrait commission through the lens of his unique performance, sculpture and video practice, creating an expansive video work that speaks to the emotional shift during this time. Take a moment to sit with this piece, and let it lap at the edges of your own experience.
Titled Waterlogue, Kieran says of this commission:
When I feel alone in this weird and frightening time I trawl the web waters. Between keeping connected with friends and family and devising new methods of work creation, the alternating crystal clear and briny murk of the internet ocean has kept me sane and safe.
Kieran Bryant, 2020
Your support this year will enable PSpace to:
• Support artists to experiment and creatively develop their work through the various stages of lockdown.
• Develop arts experiences that will bring our community together as soon as it is safe to do so: including a radical reimagining of our 2020 Liveworks Festival of Experimental Art.
• Adapt our programs and create new initiatives that enable art to thrive throughout this strange and unpredictable time.
While our artists invent new ways to work and dream, we are right by their side, creating support structures and leaning in, as we have been for 35 years.
Please support us to ensure Artists can continue to live, work and flourish through the chaos of these times.
When the virus breaks, we’re going to share this work with you. It will be beautiful, surprising and new. And we will have come through it together.