The Keir Foundation co-presents Nighttime Righttime program for Liveworks 2023. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.
Bay 20 and Public Space, Carriageworks Sydney
245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh
AUSLAN Interpreted on 29 October only
The Fondue Set
Kaz Therese
Julie-Anne Long
Tina Havelock Stevens & Wart
Christine Johnston
Teik Kim Pok & Matthew Prest
Rosie Dennis
Lara Thoms
Initiated during the transition from 199 Cleveland Street to Carriageworks, the Nighttime program of experimental cross-artform works is returning with a mix of new short work commissions and a selection from the archive. Co-curated by Rosie Dennis and Lara Thoms, Nighttime will take place in Bay 20 and the Carriageworks Public Space.
The Fondue Set - The Hoofer:
The Fondue Set will deconstruct and then reconstruct their en masse extravaganza The Hoofer. This relentless unison routine, part showgirl, part metal head banger, becomes over time both a rhythmic soundtrack and endurance test — a spectacle not to be missed!
Kaz Therese - The Honeymoon:
The Honeymoon is a homage to that time in love we call 'The Honeymoon Period'. The work takes the form of performance installation, an intimate dreamscape. The Honeymoon was first performed at The Performance Space, Sydney as part of the Nighttime series in 2008, it was then presented at PS122, New York in 2009 for AvanteGardeArama hosted by Murry Hill, and presented for a second time at PS122 for the RetroFutureSpective Festival in 2011 on the night the gay marriage bill passed in New York City. Then presented as part of KISS CLUB at Bill and George then at CIA Perth, produced by the PVI Collective.
Julie-Anne Long - Romancer:
Julie-Anne Long is Romance Dancer:
"I think that love is coming back
I think romance is on the rise
And all across the world all the boys and girls (and girls and girls and boys and boys and people)
Are making eyes". (Romance is On The Rise, (1974) Genevieve Waite)
Tina Havelock Stevens & Wart - Noisy Words:
Wart and Tina have been collaborating over the last year. Wart is an artist, performer and poet. Tina is a visual artist, performer, filmmaker and musician. Together they are NOISY WORDS. The duo first performed for the exhibition There’s a crack in everything at Wollongong Art Gallery and for the Cementa 10 year anniversary party. Wart recently produced her first book of word works, writing and drawings called Past Wents (2022), published by Apothecary Archive. Four of these works come to life with raucous racket.
Christine Johnston - Madame Lark:
Madame Lark with her musical-saw enjoys the many and varied voices of birds… Along with vocal interpretations of the things around her, she is easily distracted by her particular interest in hair, shapes and the pedestrian elements of society.
Teik Kim Pok & Matthew Prest - Let Me Tell You Something:
An excerpt from a work in development about failure and delusions of grandeur. Submerging artists Teik Kim Pok and Matthew Prest test out material from their new children’s entertainment project. A peek into the process of an ongoing creative development - raw and unfiltered.
POST (Zoë Coombs Marr, Mish Grigor and Nat Rose) - I think we're alone now:
Performance Space is turning 40. POST will soon be turning 20, and we're always happy to ride the coat tails of grown ups. We're celebrating - or at least we're trying to. When you're turning twenty, life is chaotic, confusing and crunchy. We're trying to get organised, because we really want to mark this occasion, but we've lost each other in the party - and we're not feeling very well. Give us a minute, we reckon its going to be really good when this all comes together....
General Admission
Adult: $55+BF
Concession: $45+BF
***save money on your ticket when you purchase a ticketing bundle. More information here***
The Keir Foundation co-presents Nighttime Righttime program for Liveworks 2023. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.