Dates & Session Times

Saturday 24 Oct - 4:00pm


Hannah Donnelly


Hannah Donnelly

The end of your art world isn’t the end of ours. Things are going to be always now. First Nations artists share from a future they care for.

Duration 2 hours

Artists & Project Titles 

Samuel Withers
SignBit - Works In Progress
Having spent the bulk of 2019 collaborating with and producing for others, SignBit used his time in lockdown to rethink and refocus his own musical and compositional practice with a view towards developing pieces for as yet unnamed second EP, a short sampler of which will be debuted to a live audience.  

Jazz Money
false gods
Before 2020 became known as the year of a once-in-a-century pandemic and the racial social reckoning lead by the Black Lives Matter movement, it was scheduled to be a 'celebration' for the colony of so-called 'Australia'. 2020 marks 250 years since James Cook and his merry band of blood thirsty pillagers set foot upon the sacred sovereign lands of this continent, forever changing the course of the history of this place. It's significant that this year of disease and racial divide continues in a tradition brought to these shores 250 years ago. But, don't worry, it's not too late to pour a VB out for Cooky and his crew.

Rowan Savage
estua riality
In a time of COVID, physical connections to Country may be pulled taut and tested. estua riality is a sound performance, accompanied by visuals, which explores the sounds of Kombumerri Country sourced from pre-COVID field recordings and from the online archive, brought and sung into 'imagined' yet very real existence through electronic and digital mediation via the heartbeat of the dancefloor. 

Nadeena Dixon
Nadeena Dixon is a multi-disciplinary Gadigal, Wiradjuri, Yuin Artist currently based in Sydney. Nadeena was also born in Sydney on her ancestral country, she has extensive training and skills in Western and Indigenous Art Practice.

Acknowledged as a Master Weaving practitioner engaged with ongoing revitalisation of traditional cultural practices, supporting young and emerging artists to develop core skills. Her cultural practices include dance, song, language, songwriting, contemporary theatre storytelling and contemporary ceremony.

Live Dreams is a new series of curated events for our 2020 Liveworks Festival of Experimental Art, in which artists present their works- and-ideas-in-progress to test them with live audiences, receive feedback and discuss their next steps.

This year, the creative development of experimental work in familiar physical spaces - rehearsal rooms, studios, theatres, and via travel and residencies—has necessarily ceased. Performance Space is striving to support artists to continue creatively developing their work and honing their practice, often in inventive and resourceful new ways.

COVID-19; Keeping Everybody Safe
We are implementing comprehensive COVID-19 safety measures in line with current government directives, in order to create a safe and enjoyable festival experience for everyone. Please make sure you read our COVID-19 Safety steps before you join us at Carriageworks.

Respect Your Reservation
With minimum capacities in venues this year, we ask that you Respect Your Reservation and the amazing artists and creatives performing, regardless of cost. If you’re feeling unwell or can no longer join us, please let us know by 10am the day of the show so we can offer your seat to someone else. Please see our returns and exchanges policy for more details.

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