RINSE was commissioned by Performance Space (Sydney, Australia) and Keir Foundation (Sydney, Australia)
Amrita Hepi: Lead Artist, Performer and Choreographer
Director: Mish Grigor
“This artist talk was supposed to be a show. A time for us all to gather and watch and make together. Ironically, the show was about beginnings…but we weren’t even able to start.
Covid has been a time of deep disruption for artists. Venues closed, borders snapped shut, our shows got cancelled, or perhaps worse – rescheduled into an uncertain future. Coping with uncertainty is a given as an artist, but this feels especially cruel.
Join acclaimed makers Amrita Hepi and Mish Grigor for yet another zoom. One where they discuss what was, what should have been, and hopefully what will be. They’ll consider the impact of the pandemic on their own practices, and dare to look at a horizon beyond vax targets and border restrictions.
We’ll dance together again one day, in the meantime, we can talk about it.”
Amrita Hepi and Mish Grigor
This conversation between artist, Amrita Hepi and Director, Mish Grigor will act as a prelude to RINSE which will be presented at Liveworks 2022, co-produced by Performing Lines.
Duration: 90 minutes
This event will be available on-demand until Midnight Sunday 31st Oct 2021. Click the STREAM HERE button to access this event.
RINSE was commissioned by Performance Space (Sydney, Australia) and Keir Foundation (Sydney, Australia)