With a return to the full scale in person 10-day festival at Carriageworks, Liveworks 2022 delivers an incredible live music offering. Join us for Opening Sounds and Closing Sounds to bookend the festival (both of which are free with registration) and Night Songs, composed and performed by Jon Rose.
Opening Sounds
Rainbow Chan, Sui Zhen, DIOLA
20 Oct
Celebrate the opening night of Liveworks with this free concert in Carriageworks’ public space. Featuring the experimental pop sounds of Rainbow Chan and Sui Zhen alongside DJ sets by Krystel Diola, Performance Space invites you to revel with us as we mark our collective return to liveness, performance and experimental art! The Liveworks Opening Sounds artists create bold new music fusing pop and electronica with personal and cultural histories, and a fondness for fresh sounds. Hit the dancefloor, have a cocktail, and come together as we embark on 10 days of artistic adventure.
Night Songs
Jon Rose feat. Dr. Hollis Taylor & Ensemble Offspring
$45 - $35
26 - 28 Oct
Created by legendary Australian experimental musician and composer Jon Rose, Night Songs is a remarkable sonic experience: an interspecies engagement between the 13-million-year-old music of a uniquely Australian songbird—the Pied Butcherbird—and contemporary human musicians.
Drawing from musicologist Dr. Hollis Taylor’s extensive field recordings of Pied Butcherbird songs, Night Songs is a compression of geography and time. Taylor’s archive of the birds’ songs come from Centralia, Western Australia and Far North Queensland. Pied Butcherbirds (Cracticus Nigrogularis) sing their longform songs at night in spring, and this performance shrinks a twelve hour period from early evening, overnight (the time of maximum singing), to the next morning (a multi-species chorus) into a one-hour concentrated audio-visual performance. Jon Rose has arranged this music for eight human musicians and is performed by Sydney’s premiere new music group Ensemble Offspring.
Closing Sounds
Haco & Lisa Lerkenfeldt
30 Oct
As Liveworks 2022 comes to a close, land softly with us at this free closing concert. Let the captivating, atmospheric music of Haco and Lisa Lerkenfeldt wash over you in intricate sonic waves, as we celebrate the Festival that was and re-enter the world with rejuvenated hearts and minds. Haco (Japan)’s unique and dreamlike music fuses elements of post-punk, electroacoustics, avant-garde, improvisation, post-rock, environmental sound and technology—don’t miss this rare opportunity to see her perform live in Australia. Lisa Lerkenfeldt’s multidisciplinary works embrace musique concrète, environmentalism, noise and classical motifs in their composition and imagining. Curated by Lawrence English (Room40), we invite you to join us on this final voyage for the 2022 Liveworks Festival.